
Best Practices | Building an Integrated Enterprise Knowledge Hub with HelpLook

An enterprise knowledge hub is a crucial platform for the bidirectional exchange of content and data, allowing the company's content to speak and analyze data.


Are you struggling to find the right tool to establish an internal knowledge base/knowledge hub and documentation platform for your company? HelpLook is definitely your ideal choice. With its simple and user-friendly design, HelpLook helps companies easily create and manage digital content across departments and organizations, providing a smooth and seamless user experience. Its powerful AI-powered AI ChatBot and AI search functionality make operating your knowledge hub easier and more efficient.



How to Build a Knowledge Hub with HelpLook?

HelpLook not only offers robust features but also focuses on simplifying and optimizing workflows, ensuring a user-friendly experience that is easy to master, helping users quickly get started and use the platform efficiently, and promoting the sharing of knowledge both internally and externally.


Create a Knowledge Base/Knowledge Hub Site

Enter the backend and create easy-to-understand product manuals/guides.



Add the site icon, logo, and name in sequence, choose the site language and template, and click “Confirm.” Your dedicated enterprise knowledge hub is now successfully created!



Set Access Permissions

To create a knowledge hub visible only to internal members, set access permissions to password access, private access, authorized login, or enterprise member access to ensure content security.



If your company has authorization system, you can integrate it directly with HelpLook for SSO single sign-on, making it easy for the company to manage employee access permissions.


Import Content/Create Articles

The next and most essential step is to click “Import” to batch upload existing files. Create different sections based on themes, departments, or issue types for easy access and browsing.


*Currently supports *.docx and markdown formats.


*Supports batch content import.




The content creation team can also create articles here, writing and publishing content directly. HelpLook provides a WYSIWYG editor compatible with rich text and Markdown, offering basic text operations and advanced features like video, attachment, and table insertion.


HelpLook Information Architecture Design

Building a digital content management system requires considering every aspect from metadata governance to end-user experience. HelpLook’s digital content experience cloud platform, with its cutting-edge design, establishes a three-tier architecture of resource library, knowledge library, and application library. This architecture not only achieves fine management of the digital resource lifecycle but also lays a solid foundation for next-generation information architecture with AI models like OpenAI, ERNIE, and Claude.


Upload metadata


Organize structured content through the knowledge library


Showcase practical customer application cases


Core Features of the HelpLook Knowledge Hub

Once the site and articles are created, the knowledge hub content can be displayed. The core of the knowledge hub is to provide an excellent content experience for users, including sharing, reading, and feedback. Key features of the HelpLook knowledge hub include:


Full-Text Search (With AI Search Capability)

HelpLook integrates with OpenAI and Baidu ERNIE models, offering powerful AI search capabilities. It supports autocomplete search, keyword suggestions, and advanced filters, helping users quickly find the required knowledge.


Published articles are automatically trained by AI. Simply enter keywords and questions, and HelpLook AI will retrieve all your online knowledge content and summarize an answer within 10 seconds.


The left side of the page shows Elasticsearch-based keyword search results for precise content location. The right side uses text vector search, which considers semantic relationships for more accurate and relevant search results.



Configure an AI chatbot/desk integrated into websites/apps/WeChat mini programs or share links directly.



Automatically highlight search terms to enhance visibility.


Flexibly switch AI search to assist with queries.



Display popular search suggestions below the search bar.


Support precise search within taxonomies.



Content Management

Organize content into a clear, logical structure using hierarchies, categories, tags, and directories to ensure clarity and accessibility.


Create and manage: Easily create and manage documents to meet various needs.

Access control: Set flexible document access permissions to ensure content security.

Editor support: Supports Markdown and WYSIWYG editors for convenient editing of technical and general documents

Custom column names: Allow users to customize column names on document pages.

SEO optimization: Customize SEO titles, keywords, and descriptions to improve search engine rankings.



Custom URL: Allow users to customize article URLs, enhancing shareability. Support switching to different language versions of the same article in a multilingual site environment.



Article interaction: Enable article rating and comment functions to promote user participation and feedback.


Front-End Experience Design

After meticulously crafting the content hub design in the HelpLook backend, we further focus on upgrading the front-end digital experience. Using diverse brand page layouts and content presentation methods, customize the entire site portal to not only strengthen brand image but also provide users with an outstanding browsing experience.


Front-end site design covers three core parts: homepage, list, and article. The homepage design emphasizes balanced layouts for the header (navigation bar), content, and footer. The navigation bar and footer use a common design, including brand logos, navigation links, and user guide functions. The content part uses modular design for flexible classification and display.


Personalized Homepage Design

Preview homepage design


The navigation bar and footer areas are designed as a unified navigation interface, including the brand logo and integrated internal and external navigation links for easy browsing and page transitions. These areas also feature user guide buttons like login and booking to enhance user experience.


Homepage display:


Customize the knowledge base/hub domain if you have a corporate registered domain.



Homepage Settings

The homepage design can add specific module settings, including block navigation and hierarchical article classification.


Block navigation template 1


Block navigation template 2


List display template


Product roadmap template


Article Details Settings

The article details page focuses on reading experience with readable fonts and reasonable text-image layout. It also provides convenient site search navigation and AI search switching for easy browsing and information location.



Advanced Knowledge Hub Capabilities

Adding Member Collaboration

HelpLook offers collaboration features to add multiple members, set different management roles, and collaboratively create and maintain the knowledge hub. Through teamwork, the knowledge content can be continuously updated and improved.



Analyzing and Statistical Data

HelpLook provides statistical and analytical functions to track and evaluate the use of the knowledge hub. By analyzing popular articles, search terms, and traffic sources, you can understand which knowledge is most valuable and which needs updates or additions, thereby improving the effectiveness of knowledge management.



Practical Applications of the HelpLook Knowledge Hub

HelpLook is a comprehensive knowledge management and collaboration platform that helps organizations efficiently share knowledge, collaborate, and innovate. It promotes employee growth and enhances competitiveness through rich features. It also helps you easily create user manuals, SOPs, share tutorials, showcase portfolios, and build a full-stack digital portal. Here are some customer cases:


HelpLook customer XMP builds an external knowledge base


HelpLook customer GardePro creates electronic product manuals


HelpLook is not only a powerful knowledge hub tool but also a valuable assistant for building a digital brand image and enhancing user experience. Its comprehensive solutions help companies better connect with customers, simplify content management processes, and present data intuitively, allowing companies to focus on creating value. Choose HelpLook to accelerate your company's digital transformation journey.


If you are interested in using HelpLook to build a knowledge hub, register for a free trial to create your exclusive enterprise knowledge hub. You can also visit the HelpLook Help Center or contact the support team via WhatsApp or other contact methods.

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Last modified: 2024-05-17Powered by