
Enable SSO Single Sign-On for an Enterprise Application with HelpLook

The diversification of internal applications within companies has made daily operations more convenient for employees. However, ensuring the security of the login process has become a challenge for corporate management. HelpLook supports integration with enterprise-owned SSO single sign-on systems, allowing corporate users to log in and consult the knowledge base using their company's account system.



HelpLook SSO Single Sign-On Core Advantages

No Cost

HelpLook offers a free SSO single sign-on interface, allowing businesses to utilize it without incurring additional fees, thus reducing costs.



With SSO, users only need to log in once to access HelpLook directly, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter usernames and passwords, which significantly enhances work efficiency. This not only greatly improves work efficiency but also simplifies the account management process.


Easy Management

When managing the permissions of departing employees, SSO enables direct adjustments within the organizational structure, easily ensuring that only authorized employees can access sensitive data. Administrators can effortlessly manage user access rights, and for departing employees, access to all applications can be quickly revoked to prevent corporate data leaks.



In addition to convenient permission management, HelpLook SSO also employs TLS encryption technology and advanced data isolation to provide an extra layer of security for user data transmission. Whether it's knowledge base documents or sensitive internal company information, HelpLook SSO provides comprehensive security for these valuable assets.



HelpLook SSO supports integration with a variety of commonly used enterprise applications and services, whether cloud-based or locally deployed, enabling seamless connections. This compatibility allows businesses to link together various commonly used software to form an efficient ecosystem, ensuring that with just one authorized system, data and functionality between different platforms can be smoothly connected, reducing maintenance work.


Easily Integrate with HelpLook SSO Interface

When corporate users first attempt to access HelpLook, HelpLook SSO will guide them through identity verification. Once verified, users can access all other authorized services without needing to log in again.


Step 1

In Settings → Site Settings → Access Permission, select Authorized LoginClick “Setup”, fill in the configuration information:


Step 2

After filling in the information above, the SSO single sign-on option will appear on the login interface.


As a bridge between enterprises and employees, HelpLook SSO single sign-on not only improves work efficiency and reduce maintenance work but also adds a solid line of defense to data security through multi-level security measures.


If your enterprise is interested in HelpLook SSO single sign-on or would like to learn more, please visit the HelpLook help center or contact our customer service team. Take your free trial here!

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Last modified: 2024-05-27Powered by