
How to Analyze Your Knowledge Base to Meet User Needs

Upgrading your knowledge base to a self-service, interactive platform can greatly improve your organization's operational efficiency. The benefits of a well-integrated, self-sufficient knowledge base are clear. It satisfies the increasing desire of customers for self-help options and, when executed correctly, also lightens the load on your support staff.


In this discussion, we'll delve into this issue and with the help of HelpLook's knowledge base analytics, give you a comprehensive understanding of how to optimize your knowledge base to serve your users more accurately.



Why Analytics are Essential for Your Knowledge Base

In today's quest for the perfect user experience, the knowledge base serves as a crucial link between businesses and their users. Through thorough data analysis, we can gain precise insights into user requirements, allowing us to tailor our content and services for a more individualized experience.


Enhance Customer Support

By harnessing the power of knowledge base analytics, you're able to provide users with targeted content, effectively decreasing the backlog of unresolved queries. Research indicates that a staggering 91% of users anticipate the ability to self-resolve their issues by accessing a knowledge base. Offering content that users find valuable not only minimizes their irritation but also boosts the efficiency with which problems are resolved. Experimenting with various types of support documentation, such as text or video formats, can aid in identifying the most accessible and user-friendly way to present information.


Attract Potential Users

Delving into data reports does more than refine the knowledge base. It also draws in prospective users. Utilizing the knowledge base as a tool to drive SEO traffic can create valuable sales leads. By combining the analytical strengths of knowledge base systems, such as the data analytics provided by HelpLook, with the insights from Google Analytics, businesses can gain a better understanding of which search terms and pages are most favored by search engines. This integrated method of analysis delivers a more precise understanding of what users are looking for and their needs.


Increase Product Acceptance

During product trials, users might encounter confusion regarding specific functionalities and seek guidance from the company’s help center. If the necessary information is difficult to locate or absent altogether, this can result in users abandoning the product. Thankfully, using knowledge base analytics can pinpoint these informational voids and address them, thereby minimizing user attrition.



How to Track Knowledge Base Data with Helplook?

Monitoring knowledge base metrics generally necessitates the use of external data analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Baidu Tongji for live data scrutiny. Nonetheless, HelpLook simplifies this process with its native data analysis capabilities. This allows for seamless, real-time tracking, providing you with valuable insights into how your knowledge base is utilized and how users interact with it.


User Engagement within the Knowledge Base

By tracking site data daily or monthly, you can easily grasp key metrics such as page views, unique visitors, and article feedback. These data not only help us understand users' reading habits but also provide strong support for optimizing content strategy.



Analyze Customer Search Behavior

How do users stumble upon your knowledge base, and what sort of information are they typically on the hunt for? The answers to these questions are quite revealing. When users consistently locate your knowledge base articles via search engines, it's a strong indication of the superior quality of your content and the success of your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.


Analyzing these data to understand genuine customer needs and optimizing content is key to continuously improving user experience. You can easily track traffic sources to the knowledge base and analyze traffic from various metrics:

Traffic Source: HelpLook's visitor feature provides you with detailed user behavior data, including the source websites of the users, visit dates, and the relative frequency of visits from different websites. With this data, you can analyze users' visiting habits. For example, you can use HelpLook's data analysis tools to view traffic sources (such as or



Search Term: By viewing search terms, you can easily see all search terms used by users and rank them by the number of searches. This way, you can quickly discern the most common search topics, keywords, and hot issues, gaining insight into their needs and focus points.



Articles Searched and Clicked: HelpLook's search analysis capabilities swiftly deliver insights while also highlighting gaps in your knowledge repository. By identifying user queries that fail to yield results, you can pinpoint areas that require enrichment. Promptly enhancing your knowledge base guarantees that it remains thorough and precise, ensuring that users consistently find the answers they seek.



Weekly Data Report: You can also access "Weekly Data Report" in the HelpLook backend to get weekly reports that delve into how users interact with your knowledge base and monitor visitor numbers. To find these reports, go to "Settings" → "Site Settings" → "Notify" → "Weekly Data Report." Once set up, you'll receive exciting data in your inbox every week.



Final Thoughts

HelpLook, as a comprehensive knowledge base assistant, not only provides convenient search and browsing features but also helps you gain a thorough understanding of user needs and behavior through in-depth data analysis. In this age of information overload, businesses or individuals who grasp user needs and behaviors will undoubtedly be more competitive.


The key is to complete the feedback cycle with your audience, examining the concrete data to decisively determine where to focus your energy. Utilize HelpLook as a powerful ally in your quest for knowledge and understanding of user perspectives, helping you to not only meet but surpass user expectations and enhance the quality of your company's services and user experiences.


Ready to build a knowledge base that makes a difference? Plunge into our thorough guide designed to guide you meticulously through the process of crafting a knowledge base, one step at a time. Kickstart your journey with our free trial today and watch potential transform into achievement.

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Last modified: 2024-03-01Powered by