Smarter Support With HelpLook AI
HelpLook AI constantly indexes your content, scans your documentation, and summarizes an answer in seconds.
Type Your Question & Ask Helplook Al Now!
Natural Language Answers
Get definitive answers for your queries instead of more docs and search results.
Friendly Customer experience
Provide best customer experience for content discoverability and 24/7 self-service.
All Your Time Savings
Quick answer lets your team and customers generate immediate answers to a specific query based on help articles.
Elevate Efficiency And Boost Productivity With HelpLook AI
Questions In Knowledge Base Instantly Answered
Enable HelpLook AI will regularly index your public docs
Summarizes lengthy article contents in few sentences
Automatically suggest relevant answers to your users
Open Ecosystem for Seamless Integration
Easily integrate HelpLook AI into third-party applications
Bind your HelpLook content site or AI ChatBot across multiple channels
Custom Prompts And Integrating API Key
Customize AI to optimize response scripts according to your Prompts
Support using your own OpenAI / Azure API Key for unlimited AI answers
Intelligent Analytics
View popular search queries and content
Collect and analyze user online feedback
Continuous Improvement
Improve the accuracy and relevance of AI responses over time
Continuous improvement allows the AI system to learn from user interactions and adapt to changing patterns and preferences
reduction in onboarding time
reported improvement in data-driven decision making
of questions resolved without escalation
Simple & transparent pricing for all sizes
Give HelpLook a try for free, stay with us for a year from $194.
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